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Time Series Forecasting

This guide will walk us through a quick example of forecasting the sales in a grocery store chain in Ecuador.


  1. First, let's create a virtual environment for this example:

    python3 -m venv ~/venv/grocery_sales
    Feel free to replace ~/venv/grocery_sales with any path where you'd like to store the virtual environment.

    Now, activate the virtual environment:

    source ~/venv/grocery_sales/bin/activate
  2. Now let's install the packages we'll need for this example:

    pip3 install 'lolpop[cli,mlflow,duckdb,timeseries,dvc,optuna]'
    pip3 install tslumen


    The tslumen package contains some conflicts with some other dependencies in lolpop that are not utilized in the time series examples. As such, it's not included in an extra, but it's safe to install it for time series workflows.

  3. This example will version data with dvc. In order to use it, we'll need a git repo to use with dvc. For the purposes of this guide, we'll create a git repository in our provider of choice named lolpop_grocery_sales_example. You'll then want to clone this repo locally via something like:

    git clone<git_user>/lolpop_grocery_sales_example.git
    git clone<git_user>/lolpop_grocery_sales_example.git

    Now let's clone the lolpop repository to get the files we need for our example.

    git clone
    git clone

    And then we'll move the grocery_sales example files into our new repository:

    cp -r lolpop/examples/time_series/grocery_sales/* lolpop_grocery_sales_example

    Now, we'll move into the lolpop_grocery_sales_example directory and set up dvc:

    cd lolpop_grocery_sales_example 
    mkdir dvc
    dvc init 
    mkdir /tmp/artifacts
    dvc remote add -d local /tmp/artifacts

    Note: if you already use dvc, feel free to use a different remote. In this example, we're simply using the local directory /tmp/artifacts to store our dvc artifacts. If you use a different remote than local, you'll need to configure that in the dev.yaml file to point to the correct remote for the dvcVersionControl class.

  4. Now we'll download the data for the example from Kaggle. If you already use kaggle from the command line you can simply execute the following:

    kaggle competitions download -c store-sales-time-series-forecasting
    unzip -j -o train.csv test.csv holidays_events.csv -d data


    You'll need to accept the terms of the kaggle contest to be able to download the data. If you've not already done that, you may wish to just manually download the data from the link below.

    Or, manually download the data from the following link and unzip it. You should now have train.csv, test.csv, and holidays_events.csv files in the lolpop_grocery_sales_example/data directory.

  5. In this example we'll also use duckdb as our main data source. To do this, we'll want to ingest our data into duckdb. You can do this via the following command:

    This sets up two tables in duckdb that we'll use in this example total_store_forecast_train and total_store_forecast_test.

Running the Workflow

  1. To run our workflow, we'll simply need to execute the following command:

  2. You should see a bunch of INFO messages generated in your terminal. After several minutes your workflow should be finished. The end of your output will look something like:

    2023/08/18 03:50:00.606712 [INFO] <MLFlowMetricsTracker> ::: Saving metric=store_sales_forecast_predictions.num_predictions, value=16 in run 410932cae602426dbe56f4de494f0c68
    2023/08/18 03:50:00.622685 [INFO] <dvcVersionControl> ::: Executing command: `dvc add dvc/store_sales_forecast_predictions.csv`
    100% Adding...|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████|1/1 [00:00, 17.35file/s]
    2023/08/18 03:50:03.269537 [INFO] <dvcVersionControl> ::: Executing command: `dvc commit dvc/store_sales_forecast_predictions.csv`
    2023/08/18 03:50:06.988464 [INFO] <dvcVersionControl> ::: Committed and pushed file dvc/store_sales_forecast_predictions.csv.dvc. Result: 37c96fb..fb16892
    2023/08/18 03:50:06.989114 [INFO] <dvcVersionControl> ::: Executing command: `dvc push --remote local`
    2023/08/18 03:50:08.824089 [INFO] <dvcVersionControl> ::: Executing command: `dvc get /Users/jordanvolz/github/lolpop_petfinder_example dvc/store_sales_forecast_predictions.csv --show-url`
    2023/08/18 03:50:10.795488 [INFO] <MLFlowMetadataTracker> ::: Saving tag key=store_sales_forecast_predictions.exists, value=True to run 410932cae602426dbe56f4de494f0c68
    2023/08/18 03:50:10.803912 [INFO] <MLFlowMetadataTracker> ::: Saving tag key=store_sales_forecast_predictions.hexsha, value=fb16892da5eee6d9f7940c8150e49ac0730f9f6f to run 410932cae602426dbe56f4de494f0c68
    2023/08/18 03:50:10.806612 [INFO] <MLFlowMetadataTracker> ::: Saving tag key=store_sales_forecast_predictions.uri, value=/tmp/artifacts/5b/1b70482d648e3aa779f559946ed75c
    to run 410932cae602426dbe56f4de494f0c68

Exploring the Example

  1. This example uses MLFlow as your metadata tracker, which tracks all the artifacts we're creating. To view them, simply launch MLflow locally:

    mlflow ui
  2. You can then open up your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000. You'll notice an experiment named store_sales_forecast with a recently completed run. Feel free to dig around and look at what information got logged.

  3. Predictions from the model get saved to duck db in the total_store_sales_predictions table. You can view them via:

    import duckdb
    con = duckdb.connect(database="duckdb/duck.db")
    con.sql("select * from total_store_sales_predictions")

Understanding the Example

To get a feel for tracing through the runner, pipeline and component code, see the quickstart guide. This example follows the same principles, it just does much more. As a summary for what this workflow accomplishes:

Data Processing:

  • Data is transformed via a data_transformer component. This would typically involve doing some light data engineering or feature engineering to get data into a single dataset.

  • Data is versioned and tracked using the metadata_tracker and the resource_version_control

  • Data is profiled via a data_profiler. This performs an EDA style analysis of the data and save the output report.

  • Data is run through a series of data checks, via a data_checker. These checks are typically associated with data quality/integrity. Again, the output report should be saved into the metadata_tracker.

Model Training:

  • The input dataset is split into training, validation, and test datasets using a data_splitter.

  • A model is trained! This fits a model using a hyperparamter_tuner or just a single model_trainer, depending on the configuration. All experiments will be tracked into the metadata_tracker. All models created will be versioned and tracked into the resource_version_control, also with the data splits themselves.

  • The model is analyzed. This will perform tasks like running cross validation on the model, running a baseline comparison, and creating visualizations with a model_visualizer.

  • The model lineage is created and tracked in the metadata_tracker.

  • Optionally, if configured by the user, the workflow can retrain the model using all available data. This retrains the model given the configuration of the best experiment on the entire dataset.

Model Deployment:

  • Promotes a model using a model_repository.

  • Checks if a model has been approved. If so, the model will be deployed using a model_deployer.

Model Inference:

  • Uses the model_trainer to generate predictions for the new data.

  • Tracks and versions the new predictions using the metadata_tracker and the resource_version_control.

  • Saves the predictions to a target location via a data_connector.