
A typical metaflow pipeline contains two classes, one class that inherits from the base lolpop class and one that inherits from the metaflow FlowSpec class (due to how metaflow handles inheritance we can't simply create a single class that inherits from multiple classes). The FlowSpec subclass is where you will put your standard metaflow pipeline definition. The lolpop subclass will typically be very similar across implementations. This class contains two main methods: run, which runs the metaflow FlowSpec class, and get_artifacts, which retrieves artifacts from metaflow and surfaces them back to the lolpop runner.

The main different thing that you should do in the FlowSpec subclass is register your lolpop objects in the __init__ class, where self.lolpop will be the lolpop pipeline subclass. Then in your metaflow class you'll be able to access any normal lolpop resources via self.lolpop.<X>.

See one of the built-in components for an example of working with Metaflow.