
lolpop welcomes all contributions. If there's an extension you've been working on that you think would be a good fit, feel free to submit a PR and we'll take a look at it.

We'll likely type up some full contributing guidelines in the future, but here's what we would ask for:

  1. For any extension, include unit tests and documentation for the component. Feel free to use the lolpop CLI to automate the creation of these assets, but double check that whatever generative AI spits out actually makes sense.

  2. It would be great to additionally have your extension included in a real example. Feel free to modify an existing example with your new component, or create an entirely new example that illustrates using your extension.

  3. Include some workflow tests that illustrate common checks you anticipate people wanting to run on your extension.

  4. Include some information in your PR about how to run #1-3.