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Creating an Extension

It's relatively easy to get started with extensions in lolpop. By using the lolpop cli and taking advantage of pre-built templates, you can quickly bootstrap new extension building.

Creating a Project

It's highly recommended to take advantage of lolpop's built-in projects when creating an extension. This will do some light organizing for you which will make packaging the project up later much easier. To create a lolpop project, simply execute the following command:

lolpop init project_name --project_path /path/to/project

This will create a new project structure at the path /path/to/project/project_name. In that directory, the lolpop subdirectory is what you'll want to use to build all extensions for your project.

Creating Extensions via Templates

lolpop has built-in templates for all integration types. If you're working on your first extension, it is highly recommend to leverage these templates.

Creating a Component / Pipeline / Runner

To create a new integration from the lolpop template, simply execute the following command:

lolpop create component <component_type> <component_class> <extension_name> --project_dir /path/to/project/project_name
lolpop create pipeline <pipeline_type> <pipeline_class> <extension_name> --project_dir /path/to/project/project_name
lolpop create runner <runner_type> <runner_class> <extension_name> --project_dir /path/to/project/project_name

In the above example, extension_name is the name of the extension you are creating, <integration_type> is the generic type of integration, such as metadata_tracker, and <integration_class> is the specific class you wish to create, such as mlflow_metadata_tracker.


Both <integration>_class and <integration>_type should be snake case.


It's possible to group several new integrations under the same extension_name.

lolpop will then create the templated integration under </path/to/project/project_name>/lolpop/extension/<extension_name>/<integration>/<integration_type>/. In this directory will be two files: base_<integration_type>.py and <integration_class>.py. These are the files you'll want to customize to build your extension!

Note that if you try to create more than one integration_class under the same integration_type, lolpop will return an error telling you the directory already exists for anything more than the first integration. This is due to the underlying libraries lolpop uses to create and copy templates. If you have a need to to have multiple classes under the same type, simply cut and paste as many templated classes as you need.

Using Your Own Extensions Templates

As you gain familiarity with lolpop you may wish to develop more customized templates to your own organizations coding or development styles. lolpop can take custom template paths as an additional option via --template-path. This can either be a local directory or a git url.

lolpop uses cookiecutter to build templates, so your custom templates also need to be compliant with cookiecutter syntax.

If you wish to forge your own path completely with templates, it's recommended to look into extending lolpop's cli.