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A hyperparameter_tuner is a component that is able to run many experiments over different model_trainer classes. The intention of the component is to provided a standardized way for data scientists to run experiments, track all progress, and streamline evaluating and determining winning experiments.

Users can provide a grid of model_trainers and parameters to run on a given dataset, which will prompt building multiple experiments for each the specified parameters and model_trainers.


BaseHyperparameterTuner contains no default attributes.


Required Configuration

BaseHyperparameterTuner has the following required components:

  • metadata_tracker
  • resource_version_control
  • metrics_tracker

BaseHyperparameterTuner has the following required configurations:

  • training_params: A dictionary of model_trainer classes and associated configuration, in the form {<ModelTrainerClass>: {<key>:<value>, ...}, ... }
  • metrics: A list of metrics to evaluate for any experiment.
  • perf_metric: The metric designated as the "performance metric". I.E. the experiment with the best performance relative to this metric will be considered the winning experiment.


The following methods are part of BaseHyperparameterTuner and should be implemented in any class that inherits from this base class:


This method runs an experiment set on a grid of model_trainer classes and associated parameters. If you are writing your own hyperparameter tuner, it is expected that this is the main class that you would implement. It would be expected that you would additionally leverage the build_model method below for each experiment, either by using the default implementation or implementing your own.

def run_experiment(self, data, *args, **kwargs) -> Any


  • data (object): The data object to use to train models in the experiment set. This should be the output of a data_splitter.split_data method.


  • model (object): This returns the best model in the experiment.

Default Methods

The following are default methods that are implemented in the base class. They can be overridden by inheriting classes as needed.


This method runs a single experiment.

def build_model(self, data, model_version, algo, params, trainer_config={}, *args, **kwargs) -> tuple[Any, Any]


  • data (object): The role you wish the LLM to assume during the conversation.
  • model_version (object): The model version object associated with the model that will be created by this method. This should come from a metadata_tracker component.
  • algo (str): The model_trainer class to use for training.
  • params (dict): Training parameters for the model_trainer algorithm.
  • trainer_config (dict): Configuration parameters for the model_trainer class.


  • model: (object) The model_trainer object created from the algo and trainer_config.
  • experiment: (object) The experiment object created in the metadata_tracker for this experiment.


Version controls and saves the model object and any associated artifacts to the resource_version_control system and metadata_tracker.

def save_model(self, model, experiment *args, **kwargs)


  • model (object): The model object created during this experiment.
  • experiment (experiment): The metadata_tracker experiment created for this experiment.


Helper function that builds a grid of all possible parameter combinations given a params item with a list of values for each param. I.E. given input of:

    "key_1": [1],
    "key_2": [1,2],

We would want the following as output:

    {"key_1": 1, "key_2": 1},
    {"key_1": 1, "key_2": 2},
The latter can easily be iterated over and passed into our model_trainer of choice.

def _build_training_grid(self, params) -> dict[str, Any]


  • params (dict): The role you wish the LLM to assume during the conversation.


  • dict (str, Any): The training grid with all combinations of parameters.


Helper method that selects the winning experiment from a given dictionary of experiments. The dictionary of experiments should be built during the run_experiment method to keep track of all completed experiments and the perf_metric of each.

def _get_winning_experiment(self, exp_list, reverse=False) -> Any


  • exp_list (dict): The dictionary of experiments, in the form of {"<experiment_id>":<perf_metric_value>}
  • reverse (bool): Whether or not to lower values (False) or higher values (True) are considered better. Defaults to False (i.e. lower values are better).


  • exp_id (str): The winning experiment id.