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This guide will walk us through a quick example of predicting survivors on the infamous sinking of the Titanic. Pretend like you've never seen this example worked out before.

Buckle up, throw on Gavin Bryars' iconic soundtrack, and enjoy the slow descent. Spoiler: Leo doesn't make it out alive.


  1. First, let's create a virtual environment for this example:

    python3 -m venv ~/venv/titanic
    Feel free to replace ~/venv/titanic with any path where you'd like to store the virtual environment.

    Now, activate the virtual environment:

    source ~/venv/titanic/bin/activate
  2. Now let's install the packages we'll need for this example:

    pip3 install 'lolpop[cli,mlflow,xgboost]'
  3. Now let's clone the lolpop repository to get the files we need for our example.

    cd ~/Downloads 
    git clone
    cd lolpop/examples/quickstart/classification/titanic
    cd ~/Downloads 
    git clone
    cd lolpop/examples/quickstart/classification/titanic
  4. Now we'll download the data for the example from Kaggle. If you already use kaggle from the command line you can simply execute the following:

    kaggle competitions download -c titanic


    You'll need to accept the terms of the kaggle contest to be able to download the data. If you've not already done that, you may wish to just manually download the data from the link below.

    Or, manually download the data from the following link and unzip it. You should now have a train.csv and test.csv file in the lolpop/examples/quickstart/classification/titanic directory.

Running the Workflow

  1. To run our workflow, we'll simply need to execute the following command:

  2. You should see a bunch of INFO messages generated in your terminal. After a few seconds your workflow should be finished. The end of your output will look something like:

    2023/08/11 02:52:40.478907 [INFO] <MLFlowMetadataTracker> ::: Saving metadata key=model_trainer, value=XGBoostModelTrainer to run 3eba6becd94b46cf9281d77fa602cf0a
    2023/08/11 02:52:40.479475 [INFO] <MLFlowMetadataTracker> ::: Saving tag key=3eba6becd94b46cf9281d77fa602cf0a.titanic_survival.model_trainer, value=XGBoostModelTrainer to run 3eba6becd94b46cf9281d77fa602cf0a
    2023/08/11 02:52:40.602068 [INFO] <MLFlowMetadataTracker> ::: Saving metadata key=winning_experiment_id, value={'winning_experiment_id': '3eba6becd94b46cf9281d77fa602cf0a.titanic_survival'} to run 5539824a84ea43129ba04d003d51e8e4
    2023/08/11 02:52:40.602662 [INFO] <MLFlowMetadataTracker> ::: Saving tag key=titanic_survival.winning_experiment_id, value={'winning_experiment_id': '3eba6becd94b46cf9281d77fa602cf0a.titanic_survival'} to run 5539824a84ea43129ba04d003d51e8e4
    2023/08/11 02:52:40.604804 [INFO] <MLFlowMetadataTracker> ::: Saving metadata key=winning_experiment_model_trainer, value={'winning_experiment_model_trainer': 'XGBoostModelTrainer'} to run 5539824a84ea43129ba04d003d51e8e4
    2023/08/11 02:52:40.605447 [INFO] <MLFlowMetadataTracker> ::: Saving tag key=titanic_survival.winning_experiment_model_trainer, value={'winning_experiment_model_trainer': 'XGBoostModelTrainer'} to run 5539824a84ea43129ba04d003d51e8e4
    2023/08/11 02:52:40.613509 [INFO] <LocalDataConnector> ::: Successfully loaded data from test.csv into DataFrame.
    2023/08/11 02:52:40.618509 [INFO] <LocalDataConnector> ::: Successfully saved data to predictions.csv.

Exploring the Example

  1. This example uses MLFlow as your metadata tracker, which tracks all the artifacts we're creating. To view them, simply launch MLflow locally:

    mlflow ui
  2. You can then open up your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000. You'll notice an experiment named titantic_survival with a recently completed run. Feel free to dig around and look at what information got logged. Note: for the quickstart example, we've paired this down to the bare minimum, so there is not a ton to see here. The regular examples contain much more information.

  3. Predictions from the model get saved to predictions.csv. You can view them via:

    cat predictions.csv

    Or in python via:

    import pandas as pd 
    df = pd.read_csv("predictions.csv")

Understanding the Example


The text here is exactly the same as the text in our regression quickstart example. The reason being that both use the same class. The only difference is the value of the problem_type set during initialization of the class.

To gain some understanding about what is happening, let's look into the file. This is a small script that loads our runner and executes a workflow.

The first thing that happens is we load our runner and instantiate it with our quickstart.yaml file.
from quickstart_runner import QuickstartRunner

#create runner from config
config_file = "quickstart.yaml"
runner = QuickstartRunner(conf=config_file, skip_config_validation=True)
Instead of using a built-in runner from lolpop, we're using a local runner that is contained in the example. It's perfectly normal and expected that you may mix built-in components with custom components.

Once our runner has been instantiated, we can then start executing part of our workflows via the pipelines we specified in our configuration, like below:
#run data processing
train_data = runner.process_data()

This will run the process_data method in our QuickstartRunner class. If you look into that, we'll find the following:
    def process_data(self, source="train"):
        #run data transformations and encodings
        source_data_name = self._get_config("%s_data" % source)
        # maybe better called get_training_data?
        data = self.process.transform_data(source_data_name)

        return data
In this method, we get the source_data_name from our runner config (i.e. train_data in quickstart.yaml) and then we pass that into self.process.transform_data. However, it might not be immediately clear what self.process is, actually, and how did this come into existance? This is one of the pipelines we specified in our configuration. Specifically, in quickstart.yaml we register the following pipelines:

  process: OfflineProcess 
  train: OfflineTrain
  predict: OfflinePredict

What lolpop does with this configuration is that it loads each class to the assigned attribute on the runner object. So, for example, the OfflineProcess class gets mapped to runner.process, OfflineTrain to runner.train and OfflinePredict to runner.predict. There are no limitations here to what you can name your pipelines, so feel free to name them whatever works best for you.

With this knowledge, the following line hopefully makes sense:
data = self.process.transform_data(source_data_name)
This actually runs transform_data in OfflineProcess:
    def transform_data(self, source_data_name): 
        #transform data
        data_out = self.data_transformer.transform(source_data_name)

        return data_out

Here we see that this really just executes self.data_transformer.transform. And we might additionally wonder what is data_transformer and how did it get created? If we return back to quickstart.yaml and look at our process configuration, we'll see what we are telling lolpop to do with this pipeline:

    data_transformer: LocalDataTransformer
      transformer_path: /path/to/lolpop/examples/quickstart/

And, we should notice that LocalDataTransformer is mapped to data_transformer in this pipeline. Additionally, we add a piece of configuration for this component that instructs lolpop where to find the path of the transformer script to use.

So, our pipeline loads up our LocalDataTransformer component and executes transform:
def transform(self, input_data, *args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(input_data,dict) or isinstance(input_data, dictconfig.DictConfig): 
            data = {k: self.data_connector.get_data(v) for k,v in input_data.items()}
        elif isinstance(input_data,str): 
            data = self.data_connector.get_data(input_data)
            raise Exception("input_data not a valid type. Expecting dict or str. Found: %s" %str(type(input_data)))
        kwargs = self._get_config("transformer_kwargs",{})

        data_out = self._transform(data, **kwargs)

        return data_out

Since we're passing a string into this function, it will call get_data out of the data_connector component to retrieve data, then call self._transform on that data. In this init method, we can see that self._transform is just the entry point into our transformer script which is defined in transformer_path, i.e. the script.

Similarly, we can trace through the rest of The next step is to train a model. The script calls the runner method train_model. This will in turn leverage the OfflineTrain pipeline, which will then use one or more components to train a model.
#train model
model, model_version = runner.train_model(train_data)

Lastly, we make a prediction. This uses the OfflinePredict pipeline, which will use one or more components.
#run prediction
eval_data = runner.process_data(source="eval")
data, _ = runner.predict_data(model, model_version, eval_data)

We then call runner.stop, which we can use to handle anything we want to do at the end of a workflow -- commit files, clean up directories, etc.

And that's it! Hopefully this gave you some intuition on what's happen behind the scenes with lolpop. You can continue digging in with our User Guide or by stepping through some more rigorous examples.